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Real Estate

Tips for Using Digital Storytelling to Build a Premier Online Brand

The way that buyers and sellers search for real estate professionals has changed. According to the National Association of REALTORS® 2021 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers,  73% of buyers and a whopping 82% of sellers only interviewed one agent. By comparison, the 2016 edition of the same report shows that 62% of first-time buyers...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

7 Tips for Creating the Perfect Storybook for Listings

At Studeo, we see a lot of interactive storybooks. All of them are great – but some are truly exceptional. Because our job is to help everyone create truly exceptional storybooks, we conducted a deep-dive analysis to see what these truly exceptional storybooks had in common. Turns out – there are 7 things… today’s blog...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

How To Get Real Estate Referrals Virtually

If you want to be successful in the business of real estate then you need to master the art of generating referrals. In fact, referrals are a key source of how most top-producing agents land clients. In this guide, we will teach you the art of generating more referrals both from your sphere of influence...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

Keys To Thrive & Not Just Survive — Your Real Estate Business Needs To Go Virtual

The sooner we can implement the tools of online success, the sooner we can start to THRIVE and have that advantage over other agents serving our target market. The goal of this guide is to show you some of the steps and systems you need to implement in order to virtualize most parts of your...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

3 Awesome Storybook Ideas Agents Can Try to Showcase Their Expertise

Are you ready to take your digital storybooks beyond listings highlights? When it comes to creating compelling, human-focused content, the options for potential topics are endless. And, trying out different types of content can help you demonstrate and showcase your areas of expertise — whether of a particular area, a certain type of real estate, and...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

3 Ways Digital Storytelling Can Strengthen Your Hyper-Local Marketing Strategy

The real estate industry is changing — quickly. Top agents that take the time to understand the changing business landscape — and deploy strategic solutions to stay ahead of them — will undoubtedly capture more market share than those who fail to embrace shifting consumer preferences. One of the ways top agents can incorporate industry changes...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

Experience Media: The Rise of a New Paradigm

We live in the age of personal brands. Of influencers and opinions that travel at the speed of light. Of fake news and of real news deemed fake. Of online echo chambers and toxic idolatry fed by co-dependent audiences and icons. Most of all – of rampant dopamine addiction triggered by social validation at the...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

How To Virtually Get Real Estate Referrals

If you want to be successful in the business of real estate then you need to master the art of generating referrals. In fact, referrals are a key source of how most top-producing agents land clients. In this guide we will teach you the art of generating more referrals both from your sphere of influence...

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Nir Betan

Real Estate

Stop Losing Listings to Less-Experienced Competitors

Can you remember a time when you didn’t win a listing presentation?  We’ve all been there.  Despite bringing what seemed like your A game, your pitch fell flat.  Do you know why you failed?  Chances are your seller told you they’d need to think about it.  The next thing you know they’re not returning your...

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Nir Betan